Wednesday 30 October 2013


My name is Weronika Natalia Łaska and I am studying geology at the Jagiellonian University in Poland.
I am attending Erasmus Program at the moment and I am having the opportunity to study geology at the University of Granada for one academic year.
I have created this blog as part of my Paleogeography and Basin Analysis and I am going to describe the Jeanne d'Arc Basin in details. The basin is attractive from economical point of view, as the exploration of this zone can provide Canada with an adequate quantity of oil in the future! That is why I believe it deserves taking a closer look at.
Other reason is that the Jeanne d'Arc Basin contains the most complete stratigraphic record and an analysis of depositional sequence can help to reconstruct the tectonic history of break-up Pangea and the opening the Atlantic Ocean. I have a nodding acquaintance of this topic and I would like to explore it thoroughly.
Name of the basin also catches our attention. Everybody knows the history or legends of Jeanne d'Arc, who is a national hero for France.
Last but not least, I would like to inform that English is not my native language and I would like to apologize for any mistakes. If you would find any feel free to let me know and I will correct them right away. Thank you very much.
That would be it as for the presentation and short introduction. The posts are going to show up on monthly basis.

~ Weronika

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